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Recent Posts by Jesse
Decommission Piercings Too?
On the show about tattoos Kyle Clement mentioned briefly that piercings are included as well. He also mentioned ear piercings but did not explain further why. Can you explain this and should piercings be decommissioned as well?...Read more
I have heard your podcast with /Anita about pot. I'm not a fan of the drug myself. I have to admit that back in 2017 my husband was in such dire straits, he took a few puffs....Read more
When we think of Christmas — we can be easily distracted with thoughts of the cute cuddly little baby in a beautiful manger, cute chubby angels, little lambs and the 3 wise men. Those images rightly remind us of the...Read more
Daily Reflections with
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Below, you'll discover a daily reflection, taken from this incredible bishop.
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When Love Fails
A very negative proof that love is what binds us is found in the thousands and thousands of letters that I have received in the course of the years from persons who have fallen away from the Church or are outside of her because they entered into a second or third invalid marriage. All of these letters invariably express a great unhappiness on the inside: a boredom, an ennui, a disgust, and an anxiety, not because the letter writers have broken a law, but because they have broken a bond of friendship with Christ. Their loneliness also bears witness to the truth that when there is no person to love, there is no certitude. There’s only subjection. When there is the love of Christ, then love begins to believe everything. And since no one can ever surpass the love that Christ showed for us in redeeming us and founding His mystical body the Church, there can be no greater certitude in the world. That is the only kind of love that can save us from authoritarianism with its fear and make us really loving creatures bound together by the tendrils of affection to Him who loved us even to the point of death.