Mortal Sin Attracts and Invites Demons

June 19, 2024


I am contacting you because there are two people at our parish who are in need of help. They live in this area and have been experiencing a very ugly presence at their house for over a year. They are quite sure it's demonic, items being thrown and knocked over, and more. They are in regular prayer, have had an exorcist priest come to bless their house, and have had our church pastor bless their house three times. Nothing has worked. They are currently not married through the church, but are abstaining from intimacy till they are. They have been told by our diocese that there is nothing more they can do because they are not married through the church. They were given a book to read by a Deacon, THE LIBER CHRISTO METHOD, A field manual for spiritual combat by Dan Schneider, PHD., Foreword by Fr. Chad Ripperger, PHD.

But the problem seems to be getting worse, should they read this book or is it for clergy to read? 

They are currently living in a rental house, awaiting their new house to be built. What makes the problem worse is that they have advised that this presence follows them when they stay at hotels. They are desperate for any additional help. We are wondering if you know anyone in the area that could possibly help them, or even a religious who may be passing through this area in the near future. 


Demons are lawyers from hell, they follow the laws written by God to the very letter. Mortal sin attracts and invites demons, this couple is in mortal sin. Living together is mortal sin, demons have permission to be there because of their mortal sin. There is NO AMOUNT of Prayer(s) that will liberate them from diabolic affliction until they clean up their life in accordance with the Church's teachings (conforming your life to the 6th and 9th commandment. God will continue to allow this diabolic affliction until they return back to the arms of God the Father and decide to live in a state of grace.

What I explained is stated thoroughly in Dr Schneider's book: THE LIBER CHRISTO METHOD, especially starting on page 180 'The First Target of Opportunity: Holy Matrimony.' Of course they should read the whole book, because it is a comprehensive course on how demons attack the human person and how to self liberate using Catholic norms and principles.

Ruth 2:4