August 18, 2023


I met a guy at my church 10 or more years ago, and we became casual friends. I had him do some work at my house since he was out of work. This was some 10 years ago and I got to know him over the week or so that he was here. We had some laughs as I helped him when I had some spare time. He told me he wanted to tell me his testimony some time so we decided the following Saturday we'd sit out on my back deck and he'd tell me his story. It turned out that he suffered from severe anxiety and couldn't work his normal job, which was a certified welder due to his infirmity. He explained how he was not faithful to his wife in prior years and had some adulteress affairs. He told me how in the worst of his afflictions he wanted to die and that he had even told his mother that, so he was pretty bad off. He had been prescribed a few different drugs for the problem and became dependent on one in particular, even though he resisted taking them. He then said that he felt he had been delivered through going to Catholic healing services and that he was going to Catholic Morning Mass daily and that he was able to get off the medications he had been taking. So I told him I'd pray for him and we said goodbye. 

       A couple of weeks go by and I'm finding that I'm not able to sleep much past 4:00am and I notice my hands are shaking so I go to the Doctor and am prescribed Sertraline. I had been on this drug before with no side effects but this time was different. I got sick, very sick and I couldn't eat and I could sleep and I thought it was me and that my life was pretty much over, but it turned out to be mostly the drug. This same friend from church came over one morning and showed me some videos by a former pharmacist that convinced me to go off the drug and never take another, although my Doctor said I really should try others. I decided to start going to morning mass again.  I struggled with very bad sleep problems (3 hours or so per night) for years but slowly it got to where I could get about 5-6 hours of sleep. I got over the worst of the other problems and was able to go back to work after a few weeks, which at one point I thought I'd never be able to do again. I still have some nerve problems along with the lesser sleep problem. The thought has crossed my mind many times over the years, wondering if this is something that was related to the demonic and if he could have passed something on to me through the contact I had with him. Your blog, , today got me thinking more seriously about this.   


 Nobody can get diabolically afflicted by another just by being in there presence unless there was fornication - you could get a soul tie.