Daily Radio Show

1st & 2nd) (Illegal alien) Murder suspect Gallegos (33) is caught after 17 years (in Mexico) after killing Kenneth Caldera Jr (16) in cold blood. His Father Kenny Caldera Sr (760) 562-7437 who was working for LAPD at the time found out that the only way to deal with the death of his innocent son at the hands of a murderer was to go back to his Catholic faith and find the power to forgive the killer. Kenny Sr is a living testament to the power of God’s grace, to heal and set you free from a life of bitterness and hatred - http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2100861/posts. GOOD NEWS Articles on murder of Kenny Caldera Jr - https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSvcid=48230&GRid=4395...
2) CATHOLIC // Father Ragheed Aziz Ganni and three companions were killed for the faith in Iraq this month. http://cvote.it/2tbaJdX
3) President Trump: “In America, We Don’t Worship Government. We Worship God” - http://www.lifenews.com/2017/06/09/president-trump-in-america-we-dont-wo... NEWS
4) LGBT // Christian soccer player refuses to wear gay pride jersey, withdraws from national team. http://cvote.it/2taVfGI GOOD NEWS
5) CULTURE // Delta Airlines and Bank of America pulled out of their sponsorship of New York’s Public Theater on Sunday over a production of “Julius Caesar” that reimagines the main character as President Trump. http://cvote.it/2tbnGEx GOOD NEWS
6) Radio was invented in 1920, the Vatican started broadcasting on radio in 1931. The Vatican has lead by example. We must do likewise as lay Catholics. GOOD NEWS