Is wearing a rosary around the neck sacrilege?

Can we wear the rosary around our Neck?
The Rosary was very prominent in the lives of other Doctors of the Church, such as Saint Lawerence, Saint Peter Canisius, Saint Robert Bellarmine, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Francis de Sales, and Saint Alphonsus de Liguori. Such saints carried their rosary in their hands as Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Philip Neri, Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Louis de Montfort, the modern Apostle of Mary. The Holy Founders, Saint Camillus and Saint Ignatius wore their rosaries around their necks; as did Saint John Vianney, Saint Joseph Cafasso, Saint Margaret, Saint Bernadette, Saint Bertilla, Saint Stanislaus Kostka, and Saint John Berchmans.
We see the practice of praying the Holy Rosary by such illustrious Saints as Saint Dominic, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Catherine of Sienna, (a Doctor of the Church and my patron saint), and Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
They prayed the rosary for strength, their own sanctification, and to defeat our common enemy, Satan. One day Saint Pius X was approached by a young boy who was caring the rosary around his neck. He looked at the boy and said, "Young man, I recommend that whatever you ask for, ask for it by means of the Rosary."
Many religious congregations wear the rosary as part of their habit, usually hanging from a belt. There are also several historical cases of laypeople wearing the rosary for devotional purposes. For example, in his book “The Secret of the Rosary,” St. Louis de Montfort illustrates the positive results of this practice in an episode from the life of King Alfonso VI of Galicia and Leon.
I think that the key to answering this question can be found in St. Paul: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). In other words, there should be no indifferent or irrelevant actions in the life of a Christian.
If the reason for wearing a rosary is as a statement of faith, as a reminder to pray it, or some similar reason “to the glory of God,” then there is nothing to object to. It would not be respectful to wear it merely as jewelry.
This latter point is something to bear in mind in the case of wearing a rosary around the neck. In the first place, while not unknown, it is not common Catholic practice.
Second, in relatively recent times, certain controversial public figures have popularized the fashion of wearing the rosary as a necklace, and not precisely in order to “do all to the glory of God.” It would also appear that in some parts of the United States and elsewhere, wearing rosary beads around the neck has become a gang-related badge of identification.
Hence, while a Catholic may wear a rosary around the neck for a good purpose, he or she should consider if the practice will be positively understood in the cultural context in which the person moves. If any misunderstanding is likely, then it would be better to avoid the practice.
At the same time, as Catholics we should presume the good intentions of the person wearing a rosary unless other external elements clearly indicate otherwise.
Similar reasoning is observed in dealing with rosary bracelets and rings, although in this case there is far less danger of confusion as to meaning. They are never mere jewelry but are worn as a sign of faith.
According to some sources, small single-decade rosaries or chaplets were developed in times of persecution, as they were easily hidden and could be used without attracting undesired attention.
They also became popular among Catholic soldiers on the frontline especially during World War I.
Far more important than the visible wearing of a rosary is actually using the rosary, including publicly, for prayer. Then it is truly done “to the glory of God.”