Democrats and the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven

September 9, 2024

The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are sins that cry to heaven: the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner” (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 1867). What a jaw dropping list if you think of it in terms of our political parties in America today! This is where the culture wars are being fought and nobody is backing down. Here are some details on each.
     First, the “blood of Abel” cries out to heaven. The Catechism explains by quoting Genesis 4:10 that the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground!” The sin here is murder but St. John Paul II makes the blood of Abel an icon of abortion in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae. He says that too often “threats to life arise within the relationship between parents and children, such as happens in abortion or when, in the wider context of family or kinship, euthanasia is encouraged or practiced.” [i] So, if you are a die-hard, uncompromising, 100 percent pro-lifer, take comfort. You are in good company. You’re with God on this one. Democrats are guilty on this first count.
     Second, “the sin of the Sodomites” cries out to heaven. What, exactly, is that? The Catechism cites Genesis 18:20 and 19:13 (destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah) to explain, but the New Testament sums both up nicely: “Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).
     Certainly the “sin of the Sodomites” refers to homosexual acts (not persons but acts), yet there are plenty of other sins that “close the sexual act to the gift of life” as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2357. Democrats have pushed and passed so-called homosexual marriage utilizing a liberal Supreme Court. Democrats support LGBTQ pride parades, pride month, rainbow flags, and drag queen story hours in libraries.
     Shortly after the California Supreme Court legalized same sex “marriage,” sociology and philosophy Professor David R. Carlin of the Community College in Newport, Rhode Island, observed: “The Christian moral system is no minor part of Christianity, any more than the heart or lungs are minor parts of the human body. Overthrow the Christian moral system and you will have overthrown Christianity itself. Therefore, those who are pushing for the institution of same-sex marriage are ipso facto pushing for the elimination of the Christian religion.”[ii]
     The Jewish commentary on Genesis known as the Midrash says that God sent the flood to destroy the world because perverse marriages (male to male and man to beast) had been legalized. “The generation of the flood was not blotted out from the world until they composed nuptial songs (until they wrote marriage deeds for males and beasts, i.e. they fully legalized such practices) in honor of pederasty and bestiality.” [iii]
     St Catherine of Sienna says, “Demons must turn away from the act of sodomy. [iv]
     St. Bonaventure and St. Jerome said all sodomites in the world died when Christ was born.[v]
     St. John Chrysostom: “But the worst of all passions is the lust between men.” [vi]
     St. Bernardine of Siena, an illustrious Franciscan preacher of the 15th century, made this psychological analysis of the sodomite. He warns that those who live their life practicing this vice will suffer greater torments in Hell [vii]
     St. Augustine: “Nations are accountable to God for the sin of sodomy.” [viii]
     St. Pius V demands rigorous punishment of homosexual clergy.[ix]
God deals severely with the sin of sodomy. The Democrats are guilty on count two.
     Third, “the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt” cries out to heaven. The Catechism cites the Exodus story here, which Pope Benedict XVI  summed up this way: “God is attentive to the cry of the poor and in return asks to be listened to: he asks for justice toward the poor, the stranger, the slave.” [x]
     Left-wing types are worried about worldwide poverty. So is God. Conservatives care too. The Economist cheers the global decline of poverty in our time and wants more of it. One thing the magazine admits is the global numbers mostly reflect the decline of poverty in China.[xi]Improvements there have come at a steep human cost, splitting up families to work in substandard conditions for low wages. In fact, the system creates and exploits new de facto widows and orphans, as captured in the documentary The Last Train Home.[xii] These are the bitter fruits of socialism/communism, which is what today’s modern day Democratics promote.
    The Democrats’ open border policy creates slums, barrios, ghettos, poverty and keeps minorities on the government plantation. In the words of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy.[xiii] Free market capitalism works a lot better in helping the poor improve their situation and move upwards towards the middle class; this is what is advocated by the Republicans.
     Joe Biden is Exhibit A. His Democratic Marxist policies create poverty and inflation which oppresses the poor in a big way. In 2023 “61% of Americans said that they disapproved of the way Joe Biden is doing his job as the President of the United States. Less than 39% said they somewhat approved of his performance thus far. Most of the polled individuals also said they believed that Joe Biden’s economic policies have made the American economy worse, which is a serious problem for any incumbent seeking reelection”[xiv] Read the chapter in this book The Democrats and the Welfare System. The Democrats are guilty on count three.
     Fourth, injustice to the wage earner, a sin that cries out to heaven. The Catechism quotes Deuteronomy 24:14-15: “Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns.” That sounds like the open border policy under Joe Biden in the United States where we welcome into the country an immigrant class that will work for lower pay. Immigrants are thirteen percent of the US population but make up huge proportions of our housecleaners (forty-five percent), taxi drivers and chauffeurs (thirty-seven percent); meat processors (thirty-seven percent) and grounds workers (thirty-five percent) according to the Center for Immigration Studies.[xv]
     The Catechism also quotes the Letter of St. James 5:4: “Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord.” It is hard to read those words and not think about America’s underclass of migrant farm workers. Does it bother you that our lifestyle is made possible by the underpaid lower class? It bothers God too.
     Note, the following is satire. The last “sin that cries to heaven” is a wake-up call to the Uni-party establishment in both parties in the US. If we fixed and enforced our immigration laws, we could fix the issue of unjust wages being paid to illegal immigrants. The Democrats perpetuate this cycle of poverty with their open border policy and sanctuary cities because they benefit from the cheap labor; the Republicans turn a blind eye to this problem.
     The Republicans are now paying much more attention to the open border policies implemented by the Democrats because of all the drugs pouring into this country and the human and child sex trafficking that is permitted because of these policies. The US have entry level jobs that pay less because they take no skills or less skills; these are the jobs that many immigrants legal and illegal work at.
     The Democrats promote equality the Republicans promote equity. The words equality and equity look similar, sound similar, and both point to the same concept of fairness. So, it is understandable if, at first, you think they mean the same thing. Put in the simplest terms, equality means sameness, and equity means fairness. Democratic Socialists promote equality, e.g. a doctor in Cuba makes as much as a hospital janitor in Cuba. Republicans promote fairness, which means, lets level the playing field, give everybody a fair chance, and let everyone merit what they deserve based on their talent, knowledge, experience, and skill.
     When it comes to these four issues, we should be passionate “purge this evil from our midst” (cf. Deut 17:7) and to make right the wrongs brought to us by this culture of death. God doesn’t tolerate any of these sins, there will be a day of reckoning for each one of us. These four sins that cry out to heaven should reach every human heart as well and cause us to repent and amend our lives individually and nationally.