Catholics have Historically Voted for Democrats

June 14, 2024

Catholics have Historically Voted for Democrats

Most Catholics have historically voted for Democrats. It was for many Catholics, simply a cultural thing to check the Democratic box during an election. What happened?                                                            

In the time of John F. Kennedy, there was nothing on the Democratic platform that was explicitly against the Catholic Church's teachings. What they were debating back then was the prudent way to address problems; they debated on policy. Before the year 2000, the Democratic Party had essentially in its core, become anti-Catholic. The last fifty years has been a history of Democratic political practices departing from Catholic teaching. Liberal Catholics have become more likely to have cognitive dissonance because their religious beliefs and their political actions are diametrically opposed to each other.  The truth is the Republican Party has become more and more the party that represents Catholic teaching, in the political sphere, while the Democrats have become the party of fallen-away Catholics. This describes Catholics who do not go to Mass, do not go to Confession, are either pro abortion or indifferent, they tend to be pro same sex civil marriages.  In every election there is a split between practicing Catholics and fallen-away Catholics, it has become a political struggle. The fallen-away Catholics followed Ted Kennedy and voted for Obama; they went against Hilary which is the reason Obama won. The reason they had to cart out nearly dead Joe Biden (in 2020) is that they need the fallen-away low information Catholics who feel comfortable with fake Catholic Uncle Joe and his big government, entitlement, social justice, and crazy left-wing agenda.

In summary, in the book The American Sphinx, by Joseph Ellis, a thorough in-depth analysis of Thomas Jefferson's character is given: his philosophy, motives, politics, and moral conflicts. In 1801 the new Republic had two parties: the Federalists headed by Alexander Hamilton who wanted big government, debt, taxes, military, and wars to justify debt and power politics; and the Republicans headed by Jefferson who espoused minimal government, no debt, no banks, no taxes, minimal military, and the avoidance of foreign wars. "His administration proved to be the most effective in the history of the Republic, doubling its land mass almost overnight with the Louisiana Purchase."  Sound familiar? Today the Federalists would be the Democrats spending us into bankruptcy. “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”

For Hamilton, debt was a national blessing because it created the need for taxes, banks, and federal fiscal policies that amplified the powers of the national government. For Jefferson, debt was a national curse. Just like modern Democrats, they love getting us into wars because it justifies more and more debt ($1 trillion printed and spent in October 2023 alone to benefit the military-industrial complex). In 1961 former Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the US about misplaced power in his farewell address. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."  Joe Biden has us embroiled in three wars (Israel, Ukraine, Yemen), under Trum we had four years of peace. In times past we had Popes and Bishops stating you can't be a communist, you can't be a socialist, you can't be a nazi - all true! Today, you can't be a Catholic and a Democrat.