1. SOROS LINKED TO VIOLENT CRIME SPIKE Leftist prosecutors backed by billionaire foreign investor George Soros are bringing about a spike in violent crime throughout the U.S., according to victims and their families. “The latest voice in this chorus is Terri O’Connor, whose Philadelphia police officer husband was shot to death in 2020 while serving a search warrant,” the Washington Examiner reported. “James O’Connor would still be alive if not for the policies of District Attorney Larry Krasner, who allows criminals back on the street without jail time," said the widow. Victims blame Soros-backed prosecutors for deadliest crimes in US cities (
2. AMERICANS MOVING FOR POLITICS A new Ipsos/Axios poll found that many Americans of both parties are now considering moving from their home states to new locations where their political beliefs hold sway. Over 30% of Americans have considered making such a move in the past six months, the poll found. “Overall, 38% of people who said they are considering a move would go to a red state, compared to 34% who would move to a blue state and 28% to a swing state,” the Washington Examiner reported. People more likely to move to states that reflect political beliefs: Poll | Washington Examiner
3. CATHOLIC 101 Martin Luther decided that we are saved by "faith alone" (sola fides), but Scripture tells us that "faith without works is dead." Exactly how do our works contribute to our salvation? We know we should do the Works of Mercy, but how many Catholics can really give a good reason why these deeds help us get to Heaven? How Our Good Works Help Get Us to Heaven (
4. St Thomas Aquinas on bad prelates -