"Catholics involved in the culture wars, sanctifying the temporal order"
1. Gospel John 6:52-59 My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
2. Daily Wire's Matt Walsh Sparks Big-Name Pro-Life Rally In Response To Dem. Rep. Brian Sims. Here's Who's Going .https://www.dailywire.com/news/46902/daily-wires-matt-walsh-sparks-big-name-pro-life-amanda-prestigiacomo Matt Walsh, Abby Johnson & Church Militant will be there amongst many other good Catholics.
3. Interview Tim Gordon on his book: ‘Catholic Republic’ Why America will perish without Rome - https://www.sophiainstitute.com/products/item/Catholic-Republic?utm_source=SIP%20eblast&utm_medium=Catholic%20Republic&utm_content=SIPeblastCatholicRepublic
4. Five responses to Brian Sims absurdities and five steps to take action