Does the Catholic Church support illegal immigration?

Does the Catholic Church support illegal immigration?
The Church does not support illegal immigration, however the Church does support legal immigration and is praying that a just resolution is found and enacted to our broken immigration system. Its broken because both parties refuse to enforce existing immigration law. Now, finally we have a President (Trump) that is enforcing the law of immigration that we have on the books and the left is screaming, because they prefer these laws not to be enforced.
We should always pray for social justice - their is no problem with that. I remind the left, social justice starts in the womb.
Some liberals (clergy and laity) in the Church support ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, these clergy have been infected by 'LIBERATION THEOLOGY' which is Catholicism, Marxism and Socialism wrapped into one religion. Liberation Theology actually developed in South and Central America and this is what many Catholics in this country have been infected with. Liberation Theology has officially been condemned as a heresy by the Vatican. Even Cardinal Mahony (a man of the left that I always pray for) has said publicly in the L.A. Times, "The Catholic Church does not support illegal immigration, we support legal immigration." In fact the Catechism says that "all immigrants (legal and illegal) are called to obey the laws of the country that has taken you in." Unfortunately, many of our Catholics don't read the Catechism or the Bible and they just get caught up in leftist political causes because 'Jorge Ramos", 'Piolin' and 'Cucuy' and the other leftist from the Spanish Media lead them by the nose. This is classic case of the blind leading the blind as Our Lord stated.