Daily Radio Show
1. FAMILY // Our society liked to claim that children are resilient and can get over the effects of divorce easily. But 30 years of research has found that divorce changes kids. http://cvote.it/2vJKFvh
2. Archbishop Fulton Sheen – reflections for an agnostic.
3. Commentary on today gospel reading & daily reflection from Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
4. TRUTH // Comedian Adam Carolla tells Congress that the desire to create "safe spaces" on college campuses leads to atrophy. "If you take people and you put them in a zero-gravity environment -- like astronauts, they lose muscle mass. They lose bone density. We're taking these kids -- in the name of protection -- we're putting them in a zero-gravity environment.... They need to live in a world that has gravity." 4-minute video: http://cvote.it/2vddaBr
5. Marijuana devastated Colorado don’t legalize it nationally - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/08/07/marijuana-devastated-c...
6. Email question - what does the Church say about cussing?