Will the Real Presence of Jesus stand Up!

September 20, 2017
Jesus In The Real Presence


What does the ‘real presence’ mean?

What do protestants believe about their communion services or Lords supper as they call it?

Do they believe in the ‘real presence’ of Jesus in their bread they pass out?


There are 4 different views taught within Christianity on the Eucharist (Holy Communion).                                                                                                                                      

1] The correct view is that when receiving Holy Communion, you are receiving the real body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. This is called transubstantiation, as taught by the Catholic Church for about 2,000 years.

2] The second slightly incorrect view is what Martin Luther taught. That in Holy Communion you are receiving ‘bread and wine’ along with Jesus Christ who is really truly present (along with bread and wine). This is called ‘consubstantiation.’

3] The third view as taught by Protestant Reformer John Calvin deviates more from the truth. He taught that when receiving Holy Communion, you are receiving ‘the body and blood of Christ’ which has become that, because of your personal belief (rather than through the sacramental action of the Priest). In other words, the faith of the believer transforms the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

4] This fourth view was taught by Protestant Reformer Ulrich Zwingli which is the view that most protestants embrace today. This view is the most incorrect, he taught that when receiving Holy Communion, you are receiving ‘bread and wine’ which symbolizes the spirit and teaching of Jesus.