Why All This Waste?

April 1, 2024

After Mary broke the bottle of perfume; the odor filled the house and Judas got one whiff of it. Oscar Wilde describes a cynic as one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Judas immediately put a price on the perfume: 300 days' wages. It was very precious perfume. And he interrupted this beautiful scene of the woman breaking her precious bottle over the feet of our Lord, by challenging the Savior. Judas said, 'Why all this waste? It could have been sold, given to the poor. Why all this waste? Why build beautiful cathedrals to adore the sovereign Lord of the universe? Why all this waste? Why should young men and women consecrate themselves wholly to the service of the Lord? Why all this waste? Why should beauty be dedicated to him, and not be profaned in the world? Why all this waste? And he who said that was at that time stealing money from the apostolic purse. Our Blessed Lord did not let him escape with that challenge; He said to Judas, 'Judas, the poor you have always with you. You do not always have me.'  If you are so anxious about serving the poor, there are never occasions that are wanting. But I am with you only for a short time.