Whose inscription is on us?

July 17, 2018

Our Lord took upon himself a patterned human nature. That human nature was something like a die that a government makes when it wishes to mint coins. When the die is fashioned, millions of coins can be fashioned like it. Christ, our patterned man, was born; he suffered; he overcame temptations; he rose from the dead and was glorified at the right hand of the Father. Because he was born, we are to be born, not physically, but spiritually. Because he denied himself and suffered, we are to deny ourselves.  The cross becomes the condition of the empty tomb. Once our life is patterned upon His crucifixion, then our life shall be patterned also on His glorious Resurrection and ascension. Are we as coins? He will ask for coins and he will say, “Whose inscription is thereon?” Is it Caesar’s? Do we belong to the world? Or do we belong to God?