September 20, 2022


I am nineteen years of age and I hold a job position as the administrative assistant at a Catholic Church. At our parish we have a young girl who is possessed whom the exorcist of our diocese comes weekly to exorcise. She's been possessed ever since she was a child and she is already in her mid twenties. They have the exorcisms here in one of the rooms near the office which I work in, after office hours of course, and every time the day comes for her exorcism I am the one who sets up the altar and chairs for the exorcism and who also incenses the whole building before they start. One of my questions to you is would I get retaliated against by setting up for her exorcism? And what prayers can I pray for protection? And also how does one discern whether God is calling them to be on an exorcism team? It's been on my mind and heart to join in prayer with the exorcists team in the room while they have the exorcism but I keep blocking it out thinking that I shouldn't be aspiring to things that are far beyond me. I frequent the sacraments often. I go to mass daily, confession once a week, I strive to pray at least one rosary a day and try to live the real authentic sacramental life. I'm not sure though, I don't want to make any hasty decisions that is why I'm reaching out to you to get your advice


I am involved with Fr Ripperger and the Liber Christo institute. He recommends that anybody that is on an exorcism team should be 50 years and older, be an empty nester and be a serious Catholic which you are. You are doing a service to that girl and the Priest by setting up the room. You should pray a prayer against retaliation (https://www.catholicexorcism.org/deliverance-prayers-for-the-laity) every time you set up the room for a session. You can join in prayer from the adoration chapel or from your home and bedroom. If God wants you on an exorcism team a Priest will ask you in about 30 years. To be in a room with a demon is only for a very select few people. Just be a prayer warrior.