Which book do I use to for spiritual warfare prayers?

July 9, 2020


I would like to ask if this book is safe.   Exorcism Prayers Against Satan And Rebellious Angels in Latin and English by Pope Leo XIII.: For Laity Use in Private Prayer Only.
I remember some of the pages is available online and years ago, we used it when my condo was infested with demons brought about by a witch satanist. It tormented us and brought bad luck for years specially on my friend who lost her father unexpectedly.  Bad things only stopped on my part when I prayed the rosary everyday. It is being promoted by an individual who had no experience on demonic infestation. Please enlighten me.


The "Exorcism Against Satan & the Fallen Angels" written by Pope Leo XIII states: The following exorcism can be used by bishops, as well as by priest who have this authorization from their Ordinary. This last line has never been abrogated, that statement still remains in force today. Since the prayer is part of the Rite of Exorcism (chapter three to be exact) it is restricted to only priestly usage. Not unlike the Eucharistic prayers in the liturgical rubrics. Certain prayers that are embedded into the rubrics are for priest alone, the same applies with this prayer by Pope Leo XIII.

Stick to spiritual warfare prayers approved for the laity written by Fr Chad Ripperger (Exorcist): www.auxiliumchristianorum.org or get his book 'Deliverance prayer for use by the Laity' (Sensus Traditionis Press).