Where is the Lamb?

September 23, 2019

At the very beginning of the history of the Israelites, when Abraham offered the sacrifice of his own son, Isaac, not knowing that he was to be the victim, asked his father, 'Where is the lamb?' The father said, 'God will provide.' That question rang through the centuries. And at Passover every family offered a lamb, shed its blood. But where is the lamb?  When John the Baptist was preaching beyond the Jordan, when about two million pilgrims would be starting their way up to Jerusalem, crossing the Jordan and going from Jericho up to the great city, he saw families leading this one-year-old lamb. It had a blue or scarlet ribbon around the neck and was often led by the children. But in the crowd he saw someone, and he said, 'Look! The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.' The question of Isaac had been answered. Where is the lamb? The Lamb is on the altar; the Lamb is in heaven; the Lamb is in the center of the Church; the Lamb feeds the nations, says the book of Revelation.