February 17, 2023


What shall I do spiritually for a family member or friend that passes away?


When a loved one dies pray the rosary for their soul for 9 consecutive days and offer 30 consecutive Masses for their soul (called requiem Masses).

Gregorian Masses are a series of 30 Masses offered on consecutive days. Gregorian Masses are offered only for the deceased and they can usually begin ten days after receiving the request. The offering for a set of Gregorian Masses is $240.00.

The custom of offering a set of Gregorian Masses dates back to Pope St. Gregory the Great (died 604) who wrote in the DIALOGUES (4:55; PL 77: 416-421) about a monk who obtained release from Purgatory after thirty Masses were offered on his behalf.  The Church has declared the confidence of the faithful in the efficacy of Gregorian Masses to be pious and reasonable. You can have them offered by going to - https://www.seraphicmass.org/gregorian_masses.asp. There are actually many Catholic Priest religious orders on the internet that provide this service.


Everything you want to know about the Gregorian Mass is found below in those 5 links:






Here are two other sources:

1] http://www.piousunionofstjoseph.org/gregorian-mass-2/

2] You can request a Gregorian series of Mass through the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, 164 Apollo Rd SE., Carrollton, OH 44615, phone (330)969-9900. .