What is the moral culpability for people who have marijuana medical cards?

April 15, 2024


What is the moral culpability for people who have marijuana medical cards?


The Devil has sure muddied the waters, this is the way he can legalize intoxication, have Doctors prescribe legal medical marijuana - brilliant plan, only Satan could have thought of this one. Venerable Fulton Sheen (CD 2 - A Voice from Calvary) says the demon 'Bachus' is the demon of marijuana and was sent to us in the 1970's from hell. The whole promotion of marijuana as medicine is diabolical, the Bible speaks about ‘worldly wisdom’ in James 3:15 – the apostle writes: “This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish.”

Now, to your question, the Catechism says that medicine prescribed by a Doctor is legal and permissible. However...

1.  Most of the people that have these medical marijuana cards are young people, faithless, secular,  full of tattoos and facial body piercing that don't work, sit at home all day at their parents house and watch video games in their pajamas. Just watch the customers that walk into a medical marijuana shop for 1 hour and you will see that what I am saying is true.

2.  The Government is undecided on the issue of medical marijuana because the Federal Government says it is a schedule 1 drug with no medicinal value, the States (under liberal Democrat Governors) say marijuana is not a drug and has medicinal benefits. Since there is just not enough research done on CBD to support a blanket statement that it has all  these wonderful healing properties, I maintain as many doctors do that it has a ‘placebo effect’ on the users.

Placebo (defined): a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.

3.  As a Catholic - I ask the question, what ever happened to redemptive suffering, making atonement and penance for our sins. Venerable Sheen said 'without good Friday there is no Easter Sunday.' The whole medical marijuana craze (perpetrated by the atheist billionaire George Soros and the God denying Democrats) is the scheme of satan so that people will not suffer, to create a (false) utopia on earth. This was predicted by the novel written by Aldoux Huxley 'A Brave New World' (1932). Aldous Huxley describes a futuristic society that has an alarming effect of dehumanization. This occurs through the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology. This future drug called “soma” by Aldous Huxley will help you escape reality for a few hours a day, it’s a wonder drug. Marijuana and CBD becomes a close match for the ‘soma’, described in Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. Medical marijuana & CBD is a diabolical distraction which seeks to bypass the Lords plan that humans need to suffer, we need to carry our cross (cf Matt 16:24) especially as we get older, this helps us unite more closely to God as we feel our mortality and our life ebbing away. This helps the soul detach itself from this world and unite more radically to God who is perfect love, goodness, beauty, truth and life. Marijuana sends a soul to their particular judgment inebriated and intoxicated, that’s DANGEROUS, not me, no thanks, I have enough sin to account for. I want to be at my particular judgment stone 'sober' just like the Holy Bible instructs us too (cf. 1 Peter 5:8). I trained in contact sports for 25 years and fought for 10 years (boxing & kickboxing). I have done a lot of damage to certain parts of my body. Should I offer my sufferings to the Lord (cf.Colossians 1:24) or take CBD to calm the pain? I will choose ‘penance’ everytime…