What is the ministry of impartation?
What is the principle of impartation? What is the ministry of impartation?
Charismatic theologian answer: “The essence of the principle of impartation is this: Reproducing in others what, by God's grace, we have sought to cultivate and develop within ourselves.
Impartation has to do with the giving and receiving of spiritual gifts, blessings, healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit, for the work of the ministry. It is the transference of these “gifts” from one man or woman of God to another, especially through the laying on of hands.”
You can read a complete article on ‘impartation’ from Encounter Ministries - https://encounterministries.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Is-Impartation...
*Impartation (dictionary.com): the state or process of having been told, given, or granted something.
There are a few examples in the Holy Bible of men imparting some spiritual gift to another man, however, I would submit that the one imparting the gift had natural law or divine positive law authority over the man who received the gift. We find the one imparting some grace or gift has an office instituted and recognized by God and He is delegating this gift to a subordinate. There is no biblical example of a woman imparting a gift through the laying on of hands. Secondly, you can invent a teaching out of thin air that has never been taught by taking exceptional cases in the Holy Bible and pretending as if this is normative Christianity.
1. White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes.[1] Practitioners of white magic have been given titles such as wise men or women, healers, white witches or wizards. Many of these people claimed to have the ability to do such things because of knowledge or power that was passed on to them through hereditary lines, or by some event later in their lives. White magic was practiced through healing, blessing, charms, incantations, prayers, and songs.[2] White magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic - White magic - Wikipedia
2. When you use white magic to heal yourself, it causes a chain reaction that spreads love and light to those around you. For example, doing a spell for self-love will not only heal you and give you positivity, but it will allow you to share your love with others - What It Means To Practice White Magic & How To Do It | YourTango.
Fr Gabriel Amorth (An Exorcist tells His Story; p.162): “As an aside: there is always one strong temptation for charismatics, sensitives, and exorcists (for us even more than the others): the temptation of finding the quickest way to heal, by going outside the common sacred means to obtain grace and unwittingly falling into the trap of magic.”
(Protestant Journal Article on 'Impartation') - However, not all Christians have the ability to impart gifts, but “only those who are properly authorized and qualified and in order with the Lord should perform the laying of hands and God will work through such persons” (Aymon). Randy 5 According to Wade E. Taylor, it is not enough for Christian to be anointed by God. Although anointing can empower a person to do certain things, this does not mean that such an anointed person will affect and change the lives of his/her hearers. On the contrary, such an anointed person must also have the gift or ability of impartation (Taylor). 248 KAIROS - Evangelical Journal of Theology / Vol. V. No. 2 (2011), pp. 245-270 Clark also has the same opinion: “This [impartation ability] is a gift, and within Christianity it is done under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and accompanied often with a prophetic word. This cannot even be done by the person when he/ she wants, but has to be initiated by the Holy Spirit” (Loren, Chavda, Johnson, 2006, 93). The word impartation – gr. metadidomi is mentioned only five times in the New Testament and, except in Romans 1:11 (Paul talks about , it does not carry any idea of some “supernatural” transmission from one person to another. In Luke 3:11, John the Baptist talks about sharing two tunics with someone who has none; in Romans 12:8, Paul talks about giving with liberty; in Ephesians 4:28, impartation has an implication of sharing (material good) with someone who has need; and in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, Paul talks about sharing not only the gospel, but also their lives with the Thessalonians. Metadidomi is translated in the Bible as give, share, and impart, and suggests the idea of sharing as distinguished from giving gr. didomi – to give. It carries the additional idea of sharing and imparting that which is one’s own - https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/109009.
(Protestant Journal Article on 'Impartation') - Official office in the church.Parratt (1967, 79) proposes that the χάρισμα Paul wanted to impart was most likely an office in the church that would be mediated through the laying on of hands. Impartations of confirmation or acknowledgement of authority of an office is consistent with that of Moses and Joshua and the deacons in Acts 6:6 - SATS-PhD-Compendium-Vol1_2020-04_Bewley.pdf
’Although this is a Protestant concept (remember that most Protestants have as few as one or two sacraments), there is even disagreement among them on the validity of impartation.’
The people that promote ‘impartation’ have set up a parallel sacramental system, a parallel priesthood and a parallel church. They uncritically borrow elements of Protestantism which contains elements of Gnosticism (look at me, I have this gift, you don’t, come to me and I will heal you). This is also called the ‘sin of presumption.’