What do you do when a husband does not take command of the home?
I am a Catholic married to a Protestant. I was watching a YouTube video you were on recently and you stated that the man of the house should be the one to bless the home. The problem I'm having is my husband doesn't practice any religion, not even his Lutheran religion. If he doesn't take command of the home how do I protect it?
He suffers from depression, has smoked pot heavily (has told me recently he stopped) is an alcoholic (stopped drinking a year ago) watched porn which I never knew (has recently admitted it but stopped). If I have all of these mortal sins in my home how can our home be protected if he doesn't confess them to a priest?
He's lied to me before about stopping each of these sins but then went to commit them again. I'm praying he is telling me the truth and I feel I have to believe him even though I don't trust him. He won't go to church but says he has a personal relationship with God and prays to him once in a while.
How can my home and four children be protected? At this point I am a married/single woman and my concern is raising my children Catholic.
What prayers to pray that are powerful?
Are you married in the Catholic Church? The sacraments of the Catholic Church are essential to make you holy and get to heaven.
The man is the head of the home, just like Christ is the head of the Church - Eph 5:21-32.
Being lukewarm is very dangerous for his soul - Rev 3:15
You can pray for your children every day and night, prayers of blessings and protection over them. Pray everyday for your husband to have an interior conversion and fall in love with JESUS CHRIST. He is the priest of the home, the home is the domestic church (cf. CCC 1666), demons yield and obey the authority of a man (husband), read the book of Tobit from chapter 3 to 8. A woman was being tormented by a demon, when her husband Tobit led her in prayer the wedding night, the demon left her and never came back. Demons yield to the authority structure that God has set up on earth which is patriarchal.
Your home is open and subject to diabolical affliction - he has opened many doors to the diabolical with these mortal sins, demons are attracted to unconfessed, unrepentant mortal sins.
You will have to enter into the life of St Monica, much daily prayer, a life of penance and holiness and good works, frequenting the sacraments as much as possible, daily rosary, daily divine mercy, weekly holy hour - your prayers and sufferings can merit him the grace of conversion. This is how it works (cf. Colossians 1:24; 1 Cor 7:13-16 "any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner desires to separate, let it be so; in such a case the brother or sister is not bound. For God has called us to peace. Wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife?
If you live in a state of grace you are personally protected from the diabolical.
The angelus 6am, 12noon and 6pm. The Divine mercy at 3pm and the rosary (at the same time everyday). I wrote a book called: "LORD PREPARE MY HANDS FOR BATTLE." https://jesseromero.com/store/lord-prepare-myhands-battle-book I have my prayer schedule that my wife and I have been following for many years. Demons fear order, that which is clean and constancy - thats why they fear prayer done everyday at the same time.