What can I do to help my mother help my drug addicted brother?

January 8, 2025


My brother is 23 years old, is a drug addict, he is faithless and a blasphemer he has poked fun of Our Lord Jesus Christ. His father is totally out of his life and out of the picture, he lives with my Mother off and on. He has two children out of wedlock from two different women and he doesn’t work or go to school, as a result, his behavior is erratic, disordered and on the edge of becoming violent. What can I do to help my mother help him?


Your brother needs to first of all, to embrace sobriety, number two, next - pursue a life of virtue (good holy habits). This can only happen if he surrenders his life to Our Lord Jesus Christ and begins to seriously practice the Catholic faith.

I recommend the following locations to Catholic drug addicts or alcoholics:

  1. Our Lady of Hope Community (Catholic drug and alcoholic ministry) 5985 S.R. 16 St Augustine, FL 32092 (940) 829-0404 http://www.hopereborn.org/about/
  2. St Gregory Retreat Center http://www.stgregoryctr.com/Home.aspx, Iowa (866) 216-6314


I would recommend he get a hold of a Catholic Life Coach (who is well formed in theology). His name is Keoni Sablan ([email protected]) – CEO and founder of Serviam Institute https://www.serviaminstitute.com/. He does Group Virtue Training for young men which emphasizes healing and integrating all parts of ourselves—body and soul—so we can live more freely, more fully, and in alignment with our God-given purpose. Keoni’s helps men in a group setting to cultivate virtues like prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance opens pathways to a healthier, more peaceful, and more joy-filled life. I know Keoni, he is well trained in distinguishing the psychological from the diabolical.

I would have your Mother call Nicole Sablan LPC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor) (209) 502-4673 Faith Based Individual, couples, marriage & family counseling. www.mogc.org; email: [email protected]. CA LPCC-8275; AZ LPC-20724. She is outstanding, well formed and knows a lot about the diabolical and the psychological.

Because most Catholics are not properly catechized Fr Vince Lampert (Exorcist) says: “more people are willing to play activities that are opening up doorways to evil in their lives” such as the occult. Fr Gary Thomas (Exorcist) says pornography and drugs can also open the doors to the diabolical (http://www.thechristianreview.com/battling-the-demonic-an-interview-with...). The demon enters through sin and attaches to heresy. Catechesis helps to root out the heresy and remove the impediments to grace (Freedom through Christ – Leaders Guide, p.36).

In my humble opinion every petitioner should be given a ‘Baltimore Catechism’ to read and study. Demons are attracted to people who live a life of internal disorder. When I say ‘unclean’ that means they live in mortal sin and are faithless, lukewarm, tepid, or indifferent. You can tell a person’s memory is diabolically afflicted because “the person will focus on criticism to the exclusion of compliment. They see only the bad, and are blinded to the good” (Freedom thru Christ, Companion Guide p.117-8). Sin inflicts three types of wounds. If offends God, destroys our likeness to him, and delivers us into the hands of the Evil One (From Jacopone da Todi: The Lauds, Serge & Elizabeth Hughes, Trs. 1982, The Missionary Society of St Paul the Apostle in the State of New York, Paulist Press, Inc., New York/Mahwah, N.J. p.89). Bad speech (James 1:26; 3:5-10), sexually perverted practices (1 Thessalonians 4:3-7) and unforgiveness (Matt 6:14-15) are the common holding points that impedes the spiritually afflicted persons liberation progress. Because of these habitual sins the demons are allowed to remain.


The Bible mentions that we should be “sober” at least six times in the New Testament:

  1. Acts 26:25 (RSV) But Paul said, “I am not mad, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking the sober truth.”
  2. Romans 12:3 (NAB) For by the grace given to me, I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than one ought to think, but to think soberly, each according to the measure of faith that God has apportioned.
  3. 1 Thessalonians 5:6 (NAB) Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober.
  4. 1 Peter 1:13 (NAB) Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, live soberly, and set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
  5. 1 Peter 4:7 (NAB) The end of all things is at hand. Therefore, be serious and sober for prayers.
  6. 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NAB) Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith…


Who are Demons attracted too?

Demons are attracted to evil people and evil places (Fr Gabriel Amorth - Exorcist). If you live in mortal sin you are devoid of sanctifying grace in your soul which excludes you from Gods kingdom (cf. CCC 1861), therefore you are unprotected against the diabolical. In fact, if you die in mortal sin you go to hell (cf. CCC 1035). The number 1 reason for diabolical affliction is because people do not know their Catholic faith (Kyle Clement, Instructor Liber Christo).  Fr Ripperger – “knowing the doctrines of the Church will make you less likely to fall into error and be subject to the demons” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr_ThgVkUGo&t=482s. Father Dermine (Exorcist in Italy since 1994) warned the Catholic faithful not to neglect religious education, which is the first bulwark against the advance of the devil and Satanism in society…in these times of confusion…the faithful have a duty to deepen their faith, to educate themselves Longtime Exorcist: Satanism Is Growing in Western Societies| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com). That is what Hosea (4:6 RSV) the prophet said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

He has to learn how to live in a state of grace, that means friendship with GOD. My book: ‘LORD PREPARE MY HANDS FOR BATTLE 2.0.’ https://jesseromero.com/store/lord-prepare-my-hands-battle-20  has a chapter ‘"iving in a State of Grace" p.34-58 is a Catholic way of living that will reorient your intellect and will back to God the Father, it will help you master your emotions and passions. That’s exactly what demons attack, the emotions and passions especially when you under the influence.

Your mother is going to have to become a prayer warrior, she has a position of authority based on the 4th commandment. She should start a serious regiment of prayer for her protection and for her son’s deliverance.

  1. She should pray the Angelus everyday at 6am, 12noon, 6pm.
  2. She should pray the Daily Rosary calling upon the intercession of Our Lady Undoer of Knots.
  3. She should pray the Divine Mercy everyday at 3pm.
  4. She should go read her Bible or do Spiritual Reading an hour a week inside the Adoration Chapel.
  5. She should pray the ‘auxiliumchristianorum.org’ prayers everyday (preferably in the evening).

A Fathers prayers but also a Mothers prayers for their children no matter what age are very powerful because of the family bond and the bloodline.