Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights
How do I explain to my spouse, that an annual trip to Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights is not appropriate, for a baptized catholic? Is there a spiritual warfare prayer, so spouse will not go?
Your husband is an unconverted soul. What does that mean? His relationship with God is weak or non-existent. Your his spouse, put your foot down and refuse to go. I wouldn't follow my spouse if he told me he is taking me to a Halloween Horror house. If your husband wants to take you to something entertaining but clean I would go. But haunted houses are places that attract demons, along with the employees who work there.
They are generally part of the drug and occult culture of death.
Put holy water and blessed salt on his food (don't tell him). Pray the rosary for him and the divine mercy for him everyday. Offer, a years worth of Masses for his conversion. On the internet, search for monastery's or religious orders that offer a year's worth of Masss for a person.