August 7, 2020


So here’s my question. One of my priorities is absolution, conversion and getting right with God.  Unfortunately, I have a lot to fix with God. I’ve been married 3 times. One of which is in the Catholic Church. I plan to get an annulment as it was a very abusive marriage and after 3-4 months I left him. My last marriage lasted 16 years. He filed for divorce. I’m saddened that it did not work but, mostly because I told my parish priest and he did not advise me at all. Anyway, my question is, am I allowed to take communion if I go to confession?  Or do I need an annulment?  What I was told is that I can Take communion if I go to confession.
I’m asking you because, I’m not to trusting of the priests here. I tried to research it but, it confused me further.  


In order to receive Holy Communion you must be free from mortal sin and living in a state of grace. If you are not married in the Church and your having sex with your civilly married husband, thats a mortal sin because the Church does not recognize your marriage. If you are separated from your civilly married husband, you can go to confession, remain chaste (don't have sex with anyone including your civilly married husband), than you can receive Holy Communion.