Transgenderism now penetrating catholic schools.

October 6, 2021


First of all thank you and Anita and all of the staff for bringing me closer to my almighty GOD! My son is in 7th grade and in a Catholic School here in Escondido, California.  He told me today that one of the girls in class would now like to be referred as he and she is transgender.  We do have a wonderful pastor, as for the principal I am not to pleased with.  How can I approach this. My 12 year old knows this is wrong and even told me she should not be serving mass as the young lady is an altar server nor should she be receiving communion.  P.S. My son enjoys listening to the show too especially when you talk about St Michael who he has a special connection with.


Follow what Matt 18:15-18 says...have a meeting with the principal and take a witness with you. If things can't be resolved go to the Pastor and meet with him about the situation.