May 6, 2020


Dear Sir,

I downloaded your book, The Devil in the City of Angels, from Amazon, and reading it I was impressed with your knowledge and dedication.  I am a member of ACTS in Irving Tx, I am an active member of Saint Vincent de Paul, a graduate of the University of Dallas with a degree in Philosophy and studies in Theology – and what I mean to say by all of this is, I am a real person, active in the church, active in my Catholic Faith.

I looked you up because I was interested in getting to know you better.  I haven’t yet, I know that.  I have only scratched the surface and I thank you for your considerable talents and your commitment to putting what you believe out there, even if others disagree. I am hopeful that in doing so you are open if not to a dialogue, at least a comment or two.

I noticed in your blog you referenced immigration and the needs of the immigrate to follow the laws of the country that takes them in.  This is indeed directly from the Catechism as you mentioned and I thank you for making this central in your blog.  I am curious what your position is on the very next sentence in the Catechism paragraph 2242. 

Of course what has occurred on the boarder with the children does not meet the criteria of “armed resistance” in 2242, but it does call us to oppose President Trump's Administration when it “oversteps its competence”.

The reason I am writing, is that many of us are going to vote for a Democrat in the coming election – we will vote for Joe Biden – not because we support all of his beliefs – but because we support many and must oppose President Trump and his willingness to stigmatize and victimize these most vulnerable families, we must oppose his racially divisive language, and we must oppose his lack of commitment to rigorous truth – and by that please note that I didn’t saying his lying.  I do not know what he believes and do not presume to know if he is lying.  That is a judgement of conscience  that none of us can make.  I would have hoped his opinions and his statements would have been made after more research and with greater humility.

I would not presume to spar with you intellectually and that is not my intent here.  You have far more experience and learning and no doubt have given this more thought.

I thought that perhaps you might apply your considerable powers to this problem.  I do not support abortion and have read your links on your website posted as recently as this last week. 

I also do not support defunding Children’s Health Insurance Program, CHIP, and SNAP, dismantling the EPA, funding coal, subsidies for big oil, tax breaks for Wall Street, lifting sanctions against Russia, withdrawing from the Paris Accords, supporting the 2nd Amendment to the  exclusion of all other rights, empowering the Executive branch to dominate over the Legislative and Judicial branches, pardoning criminals convicted by a jury of their peers for apparent political gain, profiting from executive office, and  refusing to be transparent with financial dealings by releasing tax statements.

I don’t see how all of these other issues can be ignored.  I appreciate your thoughtful reflection and would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

Thank you sincerely,

Excerpt from the Catechism:

Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens. 2242    The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to civil authorities, when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community….

When citizens are under the oppression of a public authority which oversteps its competence, they should still not refuse to give or to do what is objectively demanded of them by the common good; but it is legitimate for them to defend their own rights and those of their fellow citizens against the abuse of this authority within the limits of the natural law and the Law of the Gospel.

Vaticana, Libreria Editrice. Catechism of the Catholic Church . United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Kindle Edition.


I have written two books on this topic: 1. Knocked off the Donkey,  and 2. A Catholic Vote for Trump My thoughts are very public. We just have a fundamental disagreement, I don't look at persons, I look at the party platform. As an orthodox evangelical charismatic Bible believing Jesus loving Roman Catholic Christian, it is quite apparent for me that a Catholic can never vote for a Democrat with their present party platform. Our Lord Jesus Christ has favorites, children and babies. If I vote for a pro-death candidate I become complicit in their sin (CCC 1867). Nope, not me, I'm not going to hell for anybody else's sin.

This pdf is outstanding, it compares both party platforms side by side between the Democrats & Republicans - will give you moral clarity when it comes to voting. You will clearly see that at this stage in history the Democrats have become the party of death.

*Catholic Bishop slams democrat presidential candidates all of them are proabortion -


* Cardinal Raymond Burke says democrats are becoming the party of death -

* Bishop Tobin leaves the Democrat party because of its position on 'abortion'

* Satan loves to take over Politicians says Exorcist -


By the way, putting people in cages was done by Obama and Bush, but nobody had a problem when they used this method to detain ILLEGAL aliens. I have a chapter on how Mexico treats illegal aliens in my book KNOCKED OFF THE DONKEY Its apples and oranges compared to our very humane treatment. Perhaps you should read the Mexican Constitution and see how they are mandated to treat ILLEGAL aliens. Half of my family lives in Mexico, I have deep ties in Mexico, my family tells me that Mexico is one of the most brutal countries in the world in the way they treat illegals, prisoners and foreigners. They tell me this admittedly with much shame.

Lastly, I agree with Ronald Reagan statement - "I didn't leave the Democrat Party, they left me."