The Terry and Jesse Show"

"Holy Toledo Batman! what was Pope Francis carrying at the Youth Mass."
October 9, 2018
Twitter Tweet Thomas Peter Pope

1.  Luke 10:38-42 Whats more important is contemplation & adoration at the feet of Jesus.

2.  Venerable Sheen – the father & the son are both eternal.

3.  Sydney Archbishop apologises to young people for Church’s failures

4.  LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH: So...Did the Pope Carry the Satanic Stang at the Opening Mass of the Youth Synod?

5.  Confidence in Pope Francis Down Sharply in U.S. By a two-to-one margin, American Catholics now give Francis negative marks for his handling of the sex abuse scandal HTTP://WWW.PEWFORUM.ORG/2018/10/02/CONFIDENCE-IN-POPE-FRANCIS-DOWN-SHARPLY-IN-U-S/

6.  Interview with Fr Pavone at Justice Brett Kavanaughs appointment