Superstar or Super Scar?
We've almost gotten away from the concept of sacrificial love in our modern world. We succumb to Jesus Christ Superstar and rejoice and sing songs to someone attired in Reynolds Wrap, to make him forget that he's dying without a resurrection. So we teach our young that he's a superstar. Superstar? Who's a star? Someone who has a star over his dressing room door; the communications media are mad about him. Our Blessed Lord had no star over his dressing room door. He was driven out of a city, out to a garbage heap and there crucified. Thomas did not want this superstar, he said, 'Unless I can put my finger into his hand and put my hand into his side I will not believe.' I want a God who goes to death. 'For greater love than this no man hath.' What Thomas wanted was not Christ the superstar but a super scar.