This question is for Jesse or for whoever can answer it. I heard recently an interview Jesse did and he was talking about feeling like spiders are crawling over you or you see spiders and they aren’t really there and he said something to the effect that this was from the demons. Unfortunately the interviewer interrupted him and I didn’t get to hear his explanation of this so I was wondering if he could elaborate on that.
You must be confusing my interview with someone else, I have never felt spiders crawling over me nor have I said this in any interview. However, this is a common story amongst those that have nightmares (which come from demons).
Also I have these crazy nightmares where an evil force (I can never see the face) is trying to strangle me and I feel powerless and then even after I wake up I have extreme anxiety all day. I'm pretty sure this is demonic so I’m wondering if someone is in the state of grace and really trying hard to live an authentic catholic life then why does this happen? It makes me feel hopeless like God has abandoned me. I thought that if we are in the state of grace and praying the prayers we are supposed to pray that we would be protected from these attacks by the devil?
Nightmares are known as demonic obsession. everyone has them on occasion. Being in a state of grace assures you of not being POSSESSED, all the lesser forms of attacks like obsession and oppression even the holiest saints experienced them.
Also I go to frequent confession and I do my best to do a good examination of conscience but then immediately after confession all these doubts come into my head that I missed confessing a sin and because of that God has not forgiven me and I’m not in a state of grace. I try really hard to push these thoughts away and trust God but how can I be sure if it’s of God or the devil?
Your being scrupulous, that means your thinking to much of yourself.
What if I legitimately forgot to confess a sin of which I don’t remember and let’s say it’s mortal, is it forgiven through that confession or is it still attached to me? The reason I ask is because I saw a video where Padre Pio told a man that he forgot to confess something and the man could not remember so Padre Pio told him what it was and he said that the man had been carrying that sin for over a decade even though the man had been to confession a few times before this confession to Padre Pio. This really got my anxiety up because I was away from the church for many years and what if I forgot to confess something like that man did? Am I over thinking this or is this a legitimate concern?
You are overthinking this issue, when you go to confession do the best you can, nobody is a computer. Withholding a sin intentionally is another mortal sin called 'sacriflege.'
I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me with these issues and hopefully put my mind at rest. Also if someone is under spiritual attack what are the best prayers to pray? I have the auxillium Christianorum but which of those prayers is appropriate for this situation? binding prayers? deliverance prayers?
Pray all the prayers on the auxilium christianorum website or app everyday for the rest of your life, they are binding and deliverance prayers. Read the requirements to pray these prayers and follow directions exactly.