January 11, 2024


Can you please help me by providing information about how to protect oneself from being afflicted by evil human spirits (who take one’s energy and try to affect one’s life in one form or another).
I pray the lay deliverance prayers in Father Ripperger book daily. I fear as these are human spirits and not demons they do not respond to these prayers. We are trying to get rid of squatters from my dead mother’s house. We are using local lawyers. They seem to be aware of this and are looking for ways of not leaving. We will not give up on getting rid of them.
About every 15 minutes my eyes twitch which started recently. Prior to that, one day as I was in line for confession a voice audibly said in my head, tell him everything. For some days I wondered if it was a dead relative trying to help me by speaking in my head. But after weeks of praying Our Lady’s Seven Sorrowful Rosary. I came to the conclusion that it is those people still living in my dead mother’s house who are afflicting me. They do not work, so I presume they are subletting the place. They have all the time in the world to sit all day and use occult means to watch my life.
My faith has only grown stronger in Jesus Christ. It just irritates me that I am being afflicted in this way. It is abuse. Please help


1.  Pray a 9 day novena to Our Lady of Sorrows and ask her to reveal to you the source of your afflictions. The novena is on the internet.

2.  Go to and read and follow precisely everything that is says in the Frequently Ask Questions and Requirements. If you do the above you will be liberated in God's time, in the meantime, offer your sufferings everyday to the Lord and remember, God is allowing this diabolic afflction so that you can grow in holiness and virtue.