Should a Catholic support the Shriner Hospitals

September 18, 2024


With Shriners being Masons, is there anything wrong about seeking medical help from a Shriners hospital? I have a 6 month old grandson in perfect health, but was born with one of his legs and a foot not fully developed. My daughter is looking to take my grandson there for help, possible surgeries etc to help improve his ability to use this foot and leg. Any thoughts on this in regard to the spiritual side of seeking help from a Shriners hospital?


In the book written by Dr. Dan Schneider "The Liber Christo Method A Field Manual For Spiritual Combat" here is what it says about Freemasonry.

What about Freemasonry? Many who come to us for help have freemasonry in their family line. Freemasonry is a secretive male fraternity that appeals to a man’s need for fellowship and ritual. Popular forms of Freemasonry include Scottish Rite, York Rite, Knights of the Pythias, Odd Fellows, Shriners, and Blue Lodge. In each, members progress through various degrees through rituals. Commonplace to freemasonry are seemingly innocuous initiation rituals. As discussed above, curses are the counterfeit of a blessing. One way to distinguish between the two is the ritual effect vis-à-vis the integrity of the corpus (body). The human person is a body-soul composite. A blessing always seeks to preserve the integrity of the body as united with the soul, while curses always militate against that body-soul integrity (The Liber  Christo Method, p.81). 

In the Deliverance Prayers for the Laity by Fr Ripperger (p.52) in the Appendix IV: 'Prayers to Break Freemasonic Curse 'the Shriners' are named as part of the renunciation prayer. 

Here is a well written article on "Should a Catholic support the Shriner Hospitals" -