A RESPONSE TO YOUR BLOG ON "Do I Kneel at the Agnus Dei in the Novous Ordo Mass?"

February 11, 2025


A response to your blog https://jesseromero.com/blog/do-i-kneel-agnus-dei-novous-ordo-mass

“except when prevented on occasion by reasons of health,”… As a physician, I do declare that it is a grave offense against my mental health to stand for the Agnus Dei or the Sanctus, at which time all The Hosts of Heaven “ cast down their golden crowns” in Adoration to The Incarnate God. Ask your readers if they wish and I will write a prescription for them.  If women can abort their living children because of an exception for  “mental health “ then by the power given us as written in the “gi(e)rm” I will continue to kneel for these most sacred things. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matthew 12:37


The Vatican II document Sacrosanctum Concilium states plainly that the Holy See is the authority that approves how the liturgy of the Mass is to be celebrated in local churches (SC 22:1–3). The Sacred Liturgy is the property of the Church's Magisterium. When I go to the Latin Mass, I do the postures prescribed by the rubrics of Latin Mass, when I attend the Novus Ordo Mass (N.O.M.), I do what the norms prescribe in the N.O.M, when I attend an Eastern Catholic Liturgy, I do what the rubrics prescribe at the Divine Liturgy. The liturgy is the public property of the whole Church. No single individual owns it (certainly not you or I). The word “liturgy” itself comes from the Latin for “public work.” It is the public work of the Church. By the way, the word "Liturgy" comes from the greek "ministering" or "worshipping" in Acts 13:2. 

Remember, "OBEDIENCE is better than sacrifice" (1 Sam 15:22).