If you went to Mexico or any other country illegally what do I think that it would happen to you I don't know of any specific thing that would happen to you.
Under Mexico's laws it is a felony to be there illegally. In fact Mexico has one of the most strictest immigration laws in the world.
Let’s try Mexico’s immigration policies - http://canadafreepress.com/article/4876
Mexico has most strict immigration policies of any country - https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110802135756AASZD4m
But if you ask me what would I do I would welcome you. If I knew a sibling in Jesus Christ had no opportunity in his/her country I would not be hateful or bitter towards him/her.
The Bible says we are to correct each other when one is committing a sin or breaking the law.
In Galatians 6:1 (NAB) it states, “My brother, if someone is detected in sin, you who live by the spirit should gently set him right, each of you trying to avoid falling into temptation himself. Help carry one another’s burdens…” Notice that you have to judge someone’s action – this is the demand of our Christian conscience. In order to keep one another accountable to the Lord, we must help and aid each other in overcoming sin.
You and other host have said that Mexico has worst policies for people that are illegally there. With this being truth dose this makes illegals responsible for Mexicos policies? We don't make the laws. And yes we broke the law ones but can we be forgiven by the people the hold your view? I have been forgiven by God in the sacrament of Confession. Or do we have to be reminded by everything and everyone? I OBEY the law everyday I don't have a bad record in this country. I pay taxes so I do "Give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser and to God what belongs to God."
Caesar also has immigration laws that must be obeyed (Catechism 2241, 2242).
America is a very generous country no one is saying that is not.
It is the most generous country in the world.
God Bless America and as well other countries. I will keep praying for us Christian's to be united. I believe that at the end of our life's God will ask how much did you love and did you care for my children. I might be wrong but this is what I believe. I have a few questions first of all what would your solution be for us illegals that are just taking up space and on the way of the Americans that hold your view?
Watch this video - I agree 100% with his solution to the immigration issue. Can America solve its illegal immigration problem both justly and humanely? Yes, but it requires first building a border wall. Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Krauthammer explains why - https://www.prageru.com/courses/political-science/build-wall .This is the best most common sense solution I have heard on the immigration issue that is consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Churchs teaching on Immigration. When Jesus was a baby the Roman Emperor called for everybody to register for a census.
Where in the Bible dose it say that Jesus had to apply to have a status in this world?
St Joseph, Blessed Mary and baby Jesus traveled 100 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for the census (Luke 2:2-3). Notice, they obeyed the laws of the government. Jesus was also taken to the temple 8 days after his birth for dedication and circumcision in obedience to the Jewish Law. Jesus kept Roman and Jewish law.
When we die if we are blessed enough to go to haven my status of illegal is going to exist? Are we still going to have our nationality or are we going to be one in Jesus Christ?
You became a citizen of heaven when you were baptized (cf. Ephesians 2:19). However, most of us will still have to undergo purification in purgatory for our disordered self love and our refusal to embrace our own cross. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it, the only ones being deported are criminals with a record. You appear to be a decent Catholic who is trying to live our her faith to the best of your ability.
Thank you for your time by no way am trying to be disrespectful I just want you to hear me out as I hear you out.
God Love You, JR