Prayers To Remove Soul Tie

June 21, 2024


Please be kind enough to send me ‘the soul tie‘ prayer separately  and what is equivalent to this prayer in Fr.Ripperger’s Deliverance prayers for the laity ? Also how many times per day does one pray the Auxilium Christianorum prayers ? Are there specific times to pray them and do they need to be vocal ?


Pray the Auxilium Christianorum 1 time a day, unless your possessed, then you pray them 3 times a day (6am, 12noon, 6pm).  

From the book Deliverance Prayers for the Laity pray:‘Acts of Rejection’ p.23; ‘Prayer to Reverse Decision (p.41),’ ‘Adjuration; p.42; ‘Long form of Breaking Soul Ties, called ‘Binding Prayer’ p.21-22 and ‘Acts of Rejection another form p.24; ).

Have nothing to do with this individual, get rid of any item from this person they may have given you, don’t even eat food that they prepare. Do these prayers 3 times, make sure you are in a state of grace, do them preferably in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Pray the ‘Commission for the care of body and soul for other people (p.36)’ for them. They are not beyond God’s grace and mercy. We are obligated to evangelize and pray for them as it says in the Holy Bible – Jude 22-223 says: “And convince some, who doubt; save some, by snatching them out of the fire…”