March 12, 2020


I've been reading your book and have listened to some of your interviews on YouTube. I have also followed Fr. Chad Ripperger on the same topics for many years. I'm aware of a great increase in demonic activity in these times.

I regularly say binding prayers and pray to Our Lady of Sorrows to try to understand the situation. I know I could be more prayerful, and it is something I am working on. I rarely, if ever, attend mass, mainly because I have issues with our local priests - one in my childhood church who has been accused of (and who I have heard of) being involved in inappropriate sexual behavior and who has also mislead the people regarding mortal sin. The priest from the other local church closer to where I live is regularly seen out at the bars, drinking shots and hanging out with the people there. He's arrogant and rude and I just don't feel comfortable receiving any kind of spiritual direction or even prayers from these priests. The Catholic church has been infiltrated and I do not feel I can trust the church as it is today. So I do my best praying the rosary, praying to Our Lady and Our Lord, etc. and of course I pray the St. Michael prayer daily, which I have been doing since I was a child.

My question is if there is something I could do to help this situation on a spiritual level? 


 I will say that if you miss one Mass with full knowledge and of your own free will your in mortal sin. Mortal sin makes you attractive to demons and leaves you unprotected from diabolical attacks and your prayers are not answered until you humble yourself, go to confession and receive absolution, and start going back to Mass every Sunday for the rest of your life. Unless the Eucharist is the center of your life, everything else in your life will be disordered, if the Eucharist (JESUS) is the center of your life, than things will start coming back to their proper order.

Our Lord said it best: "But seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides" (Matt 6:33). Missing Sunday Mass deliberately is not "seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness". If you have to drive 50 miles to go to a good Catholic Church with a holy Priest than do so starting this Sunday.