August 17, 2023


I am a confirmed Catholic. I attend my local Catholic Church.  For the last three months now starting in early may.  I have had some very hard pressing spiritual problems.  I will admit I have lived in mortal sin for a long time and was not living the life of a good Catholic. I decided that I wanted to change and started praying and going to church and confession.  I've had some very blessed things go on and some very brutally honest moments of owning up to my sins. It’s been painful but healing as well. But I also am having some things going on that I can’t explain. Thoughts of things that I know are not mine. Images in my head I’m not thinking about just suddenly start. I had attacks mainly at night in bed like being shocked. All of sudden I get sick like nausea or suddenly upset stomach where I feel I’m going to go to the bathroom with out any control.  Things happening in the church. Strange people doing and saying about Angels being stronger than humans and things near me.  I have this  pins and needles feeling all over my body if I stare at the Eucharist or certain parts of mass like when I sing and or at night if I’m getting attacked I get this pins and needles feeling while it’s happening. I’ll get this feeling of fear and isolation.  I was in the adoration chapel and I smelt some foul kind of smell as I kneeled I felt this huge weight on me like I couldn’t move.  Then this older lady started making sucking sounds behind me.  I mean normally it’s really quiet in there I glanced back to see and she glared at me with like these blackeyes of hate.  I consecrated myself to our blessed mother I did the 33 day Marion consecration and on the day of making the act of consecration. A huge snake was slowly crossed my yard as I prayed from my window there is more things that have happened but I can’t explain these things.  But I have been going to confession and not missing church.  Working hard to live the correct way. But I’m a little scared I need help or to talk to someone who has experience with this type of situation. I just don’t know what to do.  I can’t keep living like this I have 3 children and a concerned wife.  I know I’ve made some mistakes here I need to at least get on the right path, can you help me with anyone I could speak with.  Please help I’ve been hitting roadblocks everywhere I don’t know where else to go. 


Try the [Phase 1] Prayer Protocol.

*Protocol – sequential series of steps or actions to be taken in the facilitation and or administration of a case; brings order, continuity, and uniformity to a difficult process.

Liber Cristo 2019 Manual: The purpose of this initial period, (minimum 30 consecutive days), is to establish a baseline of prayer and discipline from which extraordinary diabolical activity becomes much clearer to identify as opposed to primarily psychological issues or human character flaws, which tend to have a greater effect on quality of life aspects as opposed to the extraordinary diabolical activity which tends to respond adversely to ongoing conversion or advancement in the spiritual life.

The operative definition of healing in this entire process is, “reconciliation with God the Father through the Christ the Son and His Church through the sacraments.”

Phase 1 focuses on the development of the will consistent with ‘metanoia’ or the desire to return to a right relationship with God the Father. The initial prayer and discipline description is based on the soul’s formal relationship with God the Father through Christ the Son and His Church through the sacraments. In other words, what is this soul’s self-declared relationship or level of initiation in the Church with God the Father?

Actual Phase 1 Prayer Protocol  (for fully initiated Catholics)

“Duty Is The Essence Of Manhood”…”Do more than is required of You” - George S. Patton (1885 1945), US general, who successfully developed tank warfare as an extension of cavalry tactics in World War II: captured Palermo, Sicily (1942) and much of France (1944).


·       Pray the ‘Angelus’ 3 times a day – 6am, 12noon, 6pm.

·       Pray the ‘’ prayers 3 times a day.

·       Pray the ‘Confiteor’ at 12noon.

·       Pray the ‘Act of contrition’ at 6pm.

·       Pray ‘Psalm 130’ 3 times a day.

·       Pray the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day.

·       Media fast, no social media, internet, games, television etc.

·       Gregorian chant 24/7 at low volume.

·       No reading other than the daily Mass readings for that day only, as many times as they want.

·       Burning of blessed candles to dispel night terrors or evil presences.

·       Sacred art and images should replace secular magazines.

·       To be prayed and followed by all present in the household in which the petitioner lives, especially parents and siblings. Fr Justin Brady (Exorcist) “when the domestic church is in proper order, God’s grace flows through that structure like rivers of living water.

"The demon responds to the imposition of order as much as to the prayer itself – though it should be noted that imposition of one without the other does not bring about liberation.  Prayer in the absence of order is not effective, nor is order in the absence of prayer.  The Monastic model – prayer together with discipline, a reordering of the person’s life – is what works."

80% of Penitents heal from diabolical affliction by doing the above Phase 1 prayer protocol (Fr Ripperger - Exorcist). The Phase 1 protocol is meant to strengthen your will (Kyle Clement, Instructor Liber Christo). The 30 day prayer protocol reorients their faculties so that they can now fight it. Before the 30 day prayer protocol they can’t cooperate or communicate coherently (Dan Schneider – Instructor Liber Christo). “The goal of prayer is to be possessed by Christ” - St Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

During the above period of time the Parish Priest will hear their confessions, support them with practical spiritual direction, and pray for their courage and perseverance.