May 9, 2023


How can I as the oldest of my siblings, bring in that necessary guidance for my self and family. I was also wondering if I needed to remain under the same roof as my family or from a separate space



The 4th commandment obligates out of piety to pray for your (unconverted family members). Our Lord Jesus Christ told St Faustina “If you say this prayer (the Divine Mercy), with a contrite heart and with faith, on behalf of some sinner I will give that soul the grace of conversion” - Say it everyday for your unconverted family members, preferably at 3pm.

Next, pray the rosary everyday for your unconvereted family members so that your prayers can ‘merit for them the grace of conversion.’ Our Lady says in promise no.11 (of the Fifteen Promises of the Rosary).  "You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary." 

If you live in a state of grace you are personally protected from the diabolical, your tears, pain and suffering for your family are meant to purify you and make you a saint. Your prayers become more efficacious as you become holier (cf. James 5:16) and your role is to pray, do penance and suffer for the conversion of your family. How about adding a weekly holy hour in front of the blessed Sacrament to merit the grace of conversion for your family.