January 22, 2025


I would like to request prayers for deliverance, intercession and exorcism of demonic oppression. A person I am speaking about practiced witchcraft, occultism, and communed with spirits, entities, and demons for many years and after leaving that behind to rekindle the person relationship with God, this person has been met with severe demonic oppression. The few deliverances performed have not been able to get all of the attachments to leave. Which powerful prayers for this person to be set free are needed?



Catholic Spiritual Warfare & Catholic healing ministries that I recommend are:

www.auxiliumchristianorum.org – totally Catholic ministry that provides instruction on spiritual warfare, requirements to engage in spiritual warfare effectively and prayers for the members – priests, laity, family and friends – so that they are not adversely affected by the demonic. Start doing those prayers everyday on the prayer link. They are designed to protect your family against the diabolical and drive them away. Also read the FAQ and the Requirements link before you start the prayers.

Healingandpeace.com – Faith based Catholic therapy for individual, couples, or family therapy tailored to your specific needs & challenges, designed to help you and your relationships to undergo the healing necessary to live out your unique vocation to love with ever greater peace, holiness, & joy. They use St Thomas Aquinas principles in bringing healing and peace to your soul.

https://spiritualdirection.com/ - faith based Catholic spiritual direction to help you discern if things you perceive are from an angel, a demon or your own human spirit. They use St Ignatius of Loyola principles to teach you discernment of spirits and how to understand God’s will for your life. Or contact the www.Avila-Institute.org 1-833-77-AVILA (28452) ext. 4. They are both sister apostolates run by Dan Burke.

https://www.catholictherapists.com/ - Catholic therapist 

Samuel Bryant, LPC | Gottman Trained Therapist: specializes in couples therapy, pre-marital and marital, family life, affairs and trauma, men’s issues, elder care, spirituality and faith crisis', mid-life career changes and life transitions, teen issues, as well as general mental health issues. Sam is a firm believer that empathy, trust, and authenticity are essential to his relationship with his clients, empowering the client to reach their goals for healing - www.witnesstolovefcs.com/samuel

Nicole Sablan LPC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor) (209) 502-4673 Faith Based Individual, couples, marriage & family counseling. www.mogc.org; email: [email protected]. CA LPCC-8275; AZ LPC-20724.

http://www.catholicwarriors.com/pages/warfare_prayers.htm - Basic Catholic Spiritual warfare prayers online approved by Catholic Bishops.

 http://www.catholichealingprayers.com/ - Basic Catholic Healing prayers online approved by Catholic Bishops.