Please explain your actions. Maybe we can have a public debate Mr Senator

February 13, 2024

Mr Juan Mendez (Democrat Senator AZ),

I am guessing that you were either a baptized Catholic, Protestant or Mormon (through baptism). Wikipedia says the following about you: “Mendez is a Satanist, and one of few satanists politicians serving in the United States. Mendez gained national attention in 2013 for choosing to open a House meeting with a secular speech, rather than a traditional religious prayer. During his speech, Mendez quoted Baphomet.” I'm sure you know he is a demon.

As an American Citizen I don't find any reference to Satan in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence nor in the Arizona Constitution. Our currency says "In God we trust," there is NO mention of Satan. In fact most of your constituents are either Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Jew, or Muslim who find Satan reprehensible and is regarded is our arch enemy, Satan promotes everything that goes against the Judeo-Christian tradition and the Holy Bible. You have your own occult satanic bible published in 1969 by Anton Levey.

The Temple of Satan claims that killing babies through abortion is a religiously protected satanic ritual and is non-violent. Members of The Temple of Satan carry signs and shout at rallies 'Hail Satan.' Lucien Greaves (Leader of the temple of satan) said the majority of the members of The Temple of Satan are transgender. They have afterschool satan clubs where students are indoctrinated by giving kids coloring books and babysit them until they’re picked up by parents. Do you support this behavior? Wake up sir, none of this aligns with American values.                                                                                                                                 

On the Building of the United Nations there is a bible verse, ”…and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks, nations shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4). The liberty bell has inscribed, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10). You have tarnished your office as a Democrat Senator for Arizona. What arrogance! Your advocacy of The Temple of Satan is a slap in the face to every Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Jew and Muslim in your area. What utter disrespect you have shown for our Judeo Christian American tradition. Every person of faith felt sick at your pandering to The Temple of Satan and their members.

Here is a warning to Politicians who are filled with Spiritual Pride…

Romans 1:22 “While claiming to be wise, they became fools.”

Proverbs 14:12 “Sometimes a way seems right, but the end of it leads to death!”

You owe your constituents a sincere engraved apology.

Do you, Juan Mendez, an Arizona Democrat Senator condone The Temple of Satan hosting black masses (which are a mockery of the Catholic Mass), do you condone 'impurity balls' where they gather together at their conferences and have an orgy on Friday night in a designated hotel room. Do you condone your satanic leaders wear bishops miters with an upsidedown crucifix - just look at the schedule of the Satanic Conference held in 2023 at Boston MA to prove my point -

You satanist have infiltrated the Democrat Party. Your proof of that. Satanist are working hand in hand with the Democrat woke left proven by this statement in the above article: "Unlike the Church of Satan, founded by Anton Szandor LaVey in the 1960s, the Satanic Temple does not claim to be politically neutral, and its congregants regularly meet to engage with political and public affairs that “advance secularism and individual liberty”

Do you Juan Mendez condone Satanist ripping a bible and burning an american flag at their 2023 Satanic Conference -  Satanist do "unbaptisms" at their events which is a rejection and the mocking of the Sacrament of Catholic Baptism. Their conferences are replete with upsidedown crosses, a mockery of Christianity and pentagrams with goats head which is a symbol of Satan. So let me get this straight Juan Mendez, The Temple of Satan's shtick is the mockery of Catholic Christianity, their allowed to do opening invocations at political gatherings, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) has designated them as a tax exempt religion, they perform religious rituals, but they’re NOT a religious organization. Quit gas lighting us Mr Juan Mendez, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, its a duck. You have crossed the rubicon, you still have an opportunity to correct your errors in public and separate yourself from The Temple of Satan just like the Dodger management agreed to separate themselves from the San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' Drag Queens. Your going down a very dark path by advocating for these satanist, repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ while you still have time. Right now, your headed down the wide road that leads to eternal damnation. The real danger is not the passing of time, but using it badly, rejecting the eternal life offered by Christ. Wake up Sir, don't hit the snooze button, life is short eternity is forever. Wisemen still follow HIM, choose Christ, while you still have time. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Everything I stated about satanic practices that you condone and obviously as a member you participate in this debauchery, is found in this article - USA TODAY

The Satanic Temple's rituals include 'readings that call for the renunciation of God, a mockery of God and Catholicism because we Catholics “renounce satan” at least once a year at Holy Mass. Male participants and audience members are encouraged to wear black, hooded, full-length robes, but evening wear is also appropriate for spectators.

Anthony Briggman, an assistant professor of theology at Emory University in Atlanta, explained that the general motivating principles behind satanic groups is to “parody” Roman Catholic liturgy by “demonstrating their opposition to orthodox Christian beliefs and practices.”

“The line between parody and mockery is a fuzzy one and it is unclear to me on which side of the line they usually fall,” he said of satanic groups in general. “The goal seems to be to acquire some of the spiritual power [and] magic that they associate with the Roman Catholic ritual of transubstantiation, the transformation of the Eucharistic bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ,” Briggman said.

Co-founder Adam Daniels founder of a satanic group called: ‘Dakhma of Angra Mainyu’ said their ceremonies take place before an altar-like table where a woman in lingerie lies (another concession to reflect the state's nudity laws). In other words, the satanic black mass requires a young naked woman to be sprawled on an altar but they want to respect the Oklahoma states nudity laws - Give me a break Mr Juan Mendez, these satanist are the most indecent, vile, profane, vulgar religion in this country - these actions should not be tolerated in the name of religion. And to think that a sitting democrat senator participates in all these dark vile practices.

A Satanist group unveiled a statue design it hopes to put at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

The culmination of the event comes when the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu deacons and priest stomp on the, in this case, unconsecrated host and spit on it. Adam Daniels said organizers will wear profane costumes, use explicit language and desecrate the fake host, which Catholics believe is a form of the resurrected Christ.

Professor Briggman said that in other instances, he has “heard the reports of ritualistic practices of sex, bloodletting, and sacrifice ... but it is unclear to me how much these reports are hyperbole designed to capture the attention of the press and public.”

Adam Daniels said the Oklahoma City ceremony will wrap up with a Satanic exorcism intended to draw the Holy Spirit from the follower's body, which contrasts with traditional exorcisms that are designed to expel the devil from the individual.

My question to you, which one of these many practices that I have listed and that you have no doubt participated in, is congruent with American Traditional Values which are:

The United States is built on a foundation of three unique values or ideas. The three ideas can be called The American Trinity. It’s printed on our coins:

1.  One Nation Under God

2.  Liberty,

3.  E Pluribus Union (from many one).

A person of any race or religion can be an American so long as he accepts these three ideas. Burning an American flag, ripping a bible, worshipping satan and all those other practices I documented are not consistent with American values. No nation can abuse God’s laws and survive. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” (Ps 33:12 RSV)

Mr Juan Mendez please read the words in the following American hymns:

1.  America – my country tis of thee

2. The battle hymn of the republic

3.  America the beautiful

4.  The star spangled banner

5.  God bless America. There is NO mention of satan in any of these American patriotic hymns.

Finally, as a Mexican American I'll tell you what runs through my veins and every fiber of my being and that is: "Viva Cristo Rey" (long live Christ the King). If you are of mexican descent, you have betrayed us with these despicable actions.  

Sincerely Jesus & Anita Romero 

Office (480) 634-6114