Pilate tells Jesus, "What is Truth"! John 18:38

What is moral Relativism and why is it dangerous?
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: www.dictionary.com
· Defines ‘Relativism’ as a philosophy or theory, especially in ethics...that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.
· 2nd definition: Relativism - the philosophical doctrine that all criteria of judgment are relative to the individuals and situations involved.
* The Relativity of Knowledge: Man is the measure of all things." http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12731d.htm
In 2002, a survey of College students found that 73% believed that what is right and wrong depends on differences and individual values and cultural diversity. More recent studies show no departure from this perspective…Morality becomes a free for all once objective standards of right and wrong, such as the 10 commandments, are jettisoned (Catalyst, June 2014 p.7 – Holocaust School Assignment Gone Awry). “The cardinal crime in Western society today is to assert that there is such a thing as moral absolutes, or absolutes of any kind, as Professor Alan Bloom has so insightfully documented in his book The Closing of the American Mind. Virtually every student who is a product of American education knows one thing (and in all too many cases only one thing), and that there are absolutely no absolutes (Like Lambs to the Slaughter,p.163)”
We are facing the greatest problem of our time - MORAL RELATIVISM.
Relativism is a universal heresy because it dissolves all truth and eliminates all categories of good and evil. This deranges the mind and morals of modern man to a dangerous and frightening degree. For example, Moral Relativism not only dictates that abortion is merely a personal choice, but also dictates that the government must guarantee the “right” to this choice. This warped philosophy leads to evil schemes such as the Freedom of Choice Act – which in a cruel irony, could eliminate the choice of doctors and nurses not to participate in abortions. Relativism can cause people to take a good thing – such as holy matrimony and tamper with its very definition to fulfill their own selfish purposes. Relativism is profoundly irrational because anything that denies objective truth denies reason.