Perfect Possession! Could it be True?

What is perfect possession?
“Perfect possession” describes a state in which a person not only freely invites a demon to possess him, but also cooperates, with full consent of the mind and will, in the demons malicious desire to destroy God’s Kingdom and children. Some think that this type of human malevolence is not possible, but they are solely mistaken. Of this frightening phenomenon, Malachi Martin writes: As the term applies, a victim of perfect possession is absolutely controlled by evil and gives no outward indication, no hint whatsoever, of the demonic residing within. He or she will not cringe, as others who are possessed will, at the sight of religious symbols as a crucifix or a Rosary. The perfectly possessed will not bridle at the touch of Holy Water or hesitate to discuss religious topics with equanimity, composure and calmness.
We may never know why people so perfectly surrender themselves to the source of evil, but the fact of the matter is that there are people whose lives are just as given over to the promotion of the Kingdom of Darkness as ours are in promoting the Kingdom of Light (Exorcism & the Church Militant p.40).