"Ouija boards, Exorcism & Lent"
Jesus 911 with Jesse Romero and Eddie Chavez
March 27, 2019
1. Mom wants teacher fired for using ouija board with kindergarten students - https://www.wisn.com/article/mom-wants-teacher-fired-for-using-ouija-board-with-kindergarten-students/8988879
2. What Happened When Atheists Attended a Talk on Exorcism http://www.ncregister.com/blog/tom-nash/what-happened-when-atheists-attended-a-talk-on-exorcism
3. Why Does Lent Begin in the Desert with Jesus and the Devil? Gayle Somers https://catholicexchange.com/why-does-lent-begin-in-the-desert-with-jesus-and-the-devil