Only Listen to Catholic Sources

January 16, 2023


I attended and loved your presentation and as a result I have listened (and enjoyed) some of your YouTube videos. In one of the videos you mention that demons are fallen angels.  However, another well educated man (Pastor Allen Nolan of Cornerstone Church) outside the Catholic faith states that demons are something else.  I would like to invite you to watch Pastor Nolan's video on what demons are and share your opinion after watching the video.  


Protestants have no authority to teach their man made gospel, they are all man made religions. I would suggest that if you are a Catholic you should access all of your knowledge from the Catholic Church, which is the only Church started by Jesus Christ. It is the one true Church. When Protestant teach truth, its because their plagiarizing Catholicism, when they teach error, like in this case, its because they've deviated from Catholic teaching. I don't listen to protestants because they have nothing to teach me. I only listen to Catholic sources, the Catholic Church is my only teacher.