The old things that are good
One thing we must do is to recall the old things that were right. Consider the journey of our Lord on Easter Sunday afternoon. It was a seven-mile journey to the city of Emmaus, with the disciples. That was a trip we all would have loved to have made. During those seven miles, our Lord unfolded the scriptures: the law, the prophets, David--all the things that the disciples knew. Suddenly these things began to appear in a new light. So it is with us . The things that are old, that we know so well: the Trinity, Christ, the Eucharist--all these things have to come back to us and be discovered in their new beauty. We need to learn the lesson that the disciples had to learn when Jesus said to them, 'Did you not know that the Son of Man must suffer in order to enter into his glory?' Notice that it was the risen Lord that spoke these words. That's the lesson we have to re-learn from Christ. He's our life; he's everything.