March 27, 2023


After reading your blog entry yesterday, re an indignant woman's response to your and Timothy Gordon's podcast on the murder of Bishop O'Connell, I decided to view the podcast to see for myself. I viewed it and saw, in all honesty, that there were no disrespectful statements nor scurrilous comments re your and Timothy's takes and well-thought-out speculations on the Bishop's demise and the circumstances surrounding his murder. The tones of your voices were not mean-spirited nor sarcastic. Everything was said in plain English and in a straightforward manner which is important these days where people are too mushy to tell it like it is. Just like Sgt. Joe Friday, of the LAPD in "Dragnet", you guys spoke in like manner, i.e., matter-of-factly, "Just the facts, Ma'am". It was fascinating and very interesting to hear what you guys had to say. 

My mother educated me about Freemasonry, witchcraft groups in Crestline, gangs, and the Hell's Angels when I was a kid growing up in Berdoo. She always knew about this kind of stuff.  My paternal Grandfather fled Mexico in the dead of night with his wife and baby girl (my future Nina) because Pancho Villa's thugs were going to kill him for his anti-Villa stance.  You men are true Catholics for praying for Bishop O'Connell's soul and I will pray for him as well. I had a good time listening to you guys- tell Timothy that I subscribed to his YouTube channel.