Novus Ordo Mass vs The Latin Mass.

February 23, 2024


Listening to Dr Taylor Marshall he says to leave the “Regular Mass” and go to Latin Mass.  Unfortunately we live in a town where Latin Mass is not an option.  What is your take on this?  


My thoughts on the Catholic Mass

You have your hard-line Latin Mass only Catholics and you have your hard-line Novus Ordo Mass Catholics, I consider myself part of a third camp. This is the demographic of Catholics that say: “I accept both forms of the Catholic Mass.” I agree with Dr. Scott Hahn who says: “Catholics need to recognize the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass (NOM) and the objective superiority of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).” My preference would be to attend the Latin Mass on Sundays, if that is not an option I would find the Novus Ordo Mass in my area that is the most traditional and reverent.