Nobody is permitted to add, remove or change anything in the Mass!

January 30, 2025


A few months back I was listening to Dr. David Anders on EWTN radio.  A woman called in and said that there had been a reading from the Koran at Mass.  She expressed her dismay and asked if this was allowed.  Dr. Anders told her that it would be all right if the reading did not contradict Catholic teaching.

I was scandalized by this answer!  I am appalled at the number of Catholics who seem to think that Islam isn't so bad, after all.


I have never seen the Koran read at Mass. It is a deeply flawed book that contains the lectures of Mohammed, a Warlord, a womanizer and a false prophet. You are not supposed to add any other readings to the Mass. See below.

General Instruction of the Roman Missal 24 - "...However, the Priest will remember that he is the servant of the Sacred Liturgy and that he himself is not permitted, on his own initiative, to add, to remove, or to change anything in the celebration of Mass." 

Notice, nobody is permitted to add, remove or change anything in the Mass, we must follow what Holy Mother Church has written about the postures, gestures and the prescribed readings at the Mass. Now, if the Priest wants to quote the Koran during the homily to compare it to the Mass readings in order to show the Korans errors, that would be permitted because we are supposed to "expose the darkness" (Eph 5:11).