"New Yorks Bishops lack fortitude. No apostolic zeal."
The Terry and Jesse Show
January 29, 2019

1] Gospel Mark 3:31-35 Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.
2] This is disgusting! NY Abortion Law: Bishops’ response more disgusting still https://akacatholic.com/ny-abortion-law/
3] Have you heard about? American native activist has a criminal record and has lied about his resume – https://nypost.com/2019/01/24/native-american-activist-nathan-phillips-has-a-criminal-record/
4] Does this restore your faith in some our Church Leaders? Cardinal Müller: Clergy Sex Abuse Involves Sexual Misconduct, Not Merely Clericalism http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/cardinal-mueller-clergy-sex-abuse-involves-sexual-misconduct-not-merely-cle?fbclid=IwAR30HP9YiO7YU1XxVfJAjCuGT44yPHsk7BIkhzQtdgWmfG7UU6XEvsv_jtY