Natural sacraments

September 5, 2017

There are certain signs and events in our daily life which are a kind of natural sacrament. Take, for example, a word. A word has something audible about it and at the same time something unseen, invisible. If, for example, I tell a joke and if it were a very amusing one, you might laugh.  But if I told it to a horse, a horse would not even give a horselaugh. Why? Because you get the meaning. That's because you have a soul, reason, and an intellect. A horse lacks that spiritual perceptive power and hence does not get the meaning. So it is with a handshake.  A handshake is something visible, material, fleshy, but there is also something spiritual about it, namely, the communication of greeting and welcome. If I take my right hand and lay it upon my left, this is not a handshake. It has the visible aspect about it, most certainly, namely, the  clasping of hands, but it lacks that invisible element which is the communication of personal warmth. A kiss is a kind of sacrament.  It is something visible, and at the same time something invisible, namely, the communication of love.