The National Catholic Bioethics Center

August 8, 2024


I am getting ready to redo my will. I am confused with the right to decide what I want at the end of life.  As a Catholic, do I choose the breathing respirator?  My concern is, what if I am not that sick but needed surgery and since I chose  “no” machine they won’t save my life. 


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The National Catholic Bioethics Center

6399 Drexel Road

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Phone: 215-877-2660

The National Catholic Bioethics Center (Center) is a non-profit research and educational institute committed to applying the moral teachings of the Catholic Church to ethical issues arising in health care and the life sciences. The Center provides consultations to institutions and individuals seeking its opinion on the appropriate application of Catholic moral teachings to these ethical issues. Neither the Center's moral analyses nor any other project of the Center should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal or medical opinion or otherwise to engage in the practice of law or medicine, or other health care disciplines.